
About Us

No KITTEN around Your cat deserves the best toys to play with the World’s Greatest cat toys.   

When you get separated from your clowder, you adjust and find a new post to scratch.   Created out of a necessity to keep employees working during the pandemic, and being PAW-ssionate about cats, came WG-Products – World’s Greatest Products.  Paw-don us for being PRIDEful - our talent created a ferocious set of cat toys, combining exotic, creative, and colorful feathers with frisky bells and balls delivering glitz, glamour and fierceness to the cat toy industry.   

Still clawing down this page?   If you weren’t so far away, we would meet you for a MEOWtini or some PURRsecco.   Fur real, We love you and all the PAWsome and furbulous animals in the world. We support our local SPCA and other animal rescues – every time a sale comes through, a percentage of profits is donated to an animal rescue cause. 

Enough already – We are very sorry for these aPAWling puns.  Time for us to stop KITTEN around and leave you to enjoy the new toys in your PAWsession! 

Until we meet one day…Stay PAWsitive and never limit the PAWSibilities.  Keep being FURbulous! 

The WG Team